Supernatural, all hands up for the big finale
Supernatural, supernatural, is this dream state or awake
Oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, when your simply holding me i go interplanetary Supernatural, all hands up for the big finale
when your simply holding me i go interplanetary
Make this up for ceremony, when your simply holding me i go interplanetary Supernatural, must be a gift from a future crime
Is this dream state or awake, all hands up for the big finale
oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary
Oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, i go interplanetary, supernatural
creative science that we make
the perfect innovation
Oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, all hands up for the big finale AlunaGeorge, make this up for ceremony
resuscitated too many times
Oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, when you hold me i go interplanetary, when you hold me i go interplanetary
Oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, must be a gift from a future crime
When you hold me i go interplanetary, is this dream state or awake, supernatural
Oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, resuscitated too many times AlunaGeorge, supernatural
Creative science that we make, is this dream state or awake
Resuscitated too many times, when your simply holding me i go interplanetary
Oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, all hands up for the big finale Supernatural, oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary
all hands up for the big finale
Supernatural, make this up for ceremony Supernatural, the perfect innovation
All hands up for the big finale, oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, supernatural
Oh your touch is haunting me it s so extraordinary, resuscitated too many times
The perfect innovation, supernatural
i go interplanetary
Make this up for ceremony, when you hold me
all hands up for the big finale
Is this dead or is it alive, make this up for ceremony Supernatural, supernatural