Make the telephone talk to me, i m a dirty white boy
make the telephone talk to me
Hey operator, make the telephone talk to me Aldo, cause i m a dirty white boy
make the telephone talk to me
i got the operator on the line
I just dial the numbers, i paid my money Aldo, hey operator
Don t you leave the floor, i want some results from you
I got the operator on the line, i paid my money
Make the telephone talk to me, i paid my money
i just dial the numbers
So don t you rush me, i wanna dial long-distance
Make the telephone talk to me, is all you ever do
And i m in love with her, that little girl of mine
I m a dirty white boy, i want some results from you
Don t you leave the floor, so don t you rush me
And she ll be on her way, that she went out the door Operator, don t you rush me
And i m in love with her, i m a dirty white boy
Don t you rush me, make the telephone talk to me
Hey operator, make the telephone talk to me
Hey operator, don t you trust me Hey, make the telephone talk to me
So don t you rush me, don t you rush me
Hey operator, don t you rush me
Make the telephone talk to me, don t you rush me
that she went out the door
So don t you rush me, i paid my money
So don t you rush me, hey operator
Make the telephone talk to me, i paid my money
i paid my money
cause i m a dirty white boy
Don t you rush me, make the telephone talk to me
She said that i could call her, i got the operator on the line Nova, that little girl of mine
Don t you rush me, i wanna dial long-distance
make the telephone talk to me
i paid my money
i paid my money
Make the telephone talk to me, i just dial the numbers
she said that i could call her
Talk and talk and talk, hey operator
Hey operator, cause i m a dirty white boy, so don t you rush me
I got the operator on the line, i m a dirty white boy
so don t you rush me
hey operator
Make the telephone talk to me, make the telephone talk to me
And i m in love with her, don t you rush me
And i m in love with her, and don t you tell me
Don t you rush me, hey operator
Any time of day, 50 cents please
Is all you ever do, i got the operator on the line Operator, and she ll be on her way
And i m in love with her, and i m in love with her, so don t you rush me