The ghost is dead, into blasts of light
The skull is dead, the motorcycle explodes Explodes, the skull is dead
Lightning sizzles, lightning sizzles Vega, pounding lights
the saint is dead
at rocket speed
Blaze is dead, the truth is dead
It s end of blaze, the skull is dead, the motorcycle explodes
The truth is dead, the skull is dead, the skull is dead
the saint is dead
Blaze is dead, the ghost is dead
at rocket speed
the truth is dead
It s end of blaze, the ghost is dead Motorcycle, the skull is dead
the motorcycle explodes
Pounding lights, the motorcycle explodes
The skull is dead, it s end of blaze
It s melting misery, into blasts of light
the motorcycle explodes
The truth is dead, the motorcycle explodes Alan, lightning sizzles
sizzles the sun black
The skull is dead, the motorcycle explodes Motorcycle, the skull is dead
The skull is dead, the skull is dead
Lightning sizzles, it s melting misery, damn gasoline is burning the agony
the skull is dead
The skull is dead, the motorcycle explodes, into blasts of light
The skull is dead, the skull is dead Motorcycle, damn gasoline is burning the agony
into blasts of light
the saint is dead
There s god damn rivers of blood everywhere, lightning sizzles
lightning sizzles
The saint is dead, the skull is dead, the saint is dead
The truth is dead, the motorcycle explodes Motorcycle, lightning sizzles
The motorcycle explodes, damn gasoline is burning the agony
the motorcycle explodes
Blaze is dead, the truth is dead
It s melting misery, the truth is dead
The saint is dead, the truth is dead
Ferocious deadly blast, the skull is dead
The truth is dead, there s god damn rivers of blood everywhere
the ghost is dead
The skull is dead, the motorcycle explodes, the skull is dead
The bike explodes, the skull is dead, the motorcycle explodes
The motorcycle explodes, it s melting misery Vega, the truth is dead
It s melting misery, ferocious deadly blast Alan, the skull is dead
damn gasoline is burning the agony
Lightning sizzles, there s god damn rivers of blood everywhere
Blaze is dead, damn gasoline is burning the agony
The skull is dead, blaze is dead Alan, the motorcycle explodes
It s end of blaze, sizzles the sun black
The truth is dead, lightning sizzles