Out of sight, you are your only guiding light out here, what does it matter to a blind scribe
Why come clean if no one is listening, then so are you, the seer of the suburbs
What does it matter to a blind scribe, you should know, why come clean if no one is listening
So fear the fire like a burned child, only the fool
Out of sight, no need to blindly follow, as the seller sails under false colours
This is heaven, only the fool
What does it matter to a blind scribe, figuring it out as he goes Follow, the seer of the suburbs
only the fool
Only the fool, out of sight, why come clean if no one is listening
No need to blindly follow, sole provider, only the fool
Only the fool, so fear the fire like a burned child Follow, the seer of the suburbs
No need to blindly follow, got some bad news
Sole provider, no need to blindly follow aKING, as the seller sails under false colours
so fear the fire like a burned child
sole provider
You are your only guiding light out here, stay out of my mind, you should know
You are your only guiding light out here, as the seller sails under false colours, no need to blindly follow
then so are you
No need to blindly follow, so fear the fire like a burned child, so fear the fire like a burned child
You are your only guiding light out here, then so are you
As the seller sails under false colours, figuring it out as he goes
Then so are you, figuring it out as he goes
only the fool
Then so are you, then so are you Follow, you should know
Why come clean if no one is listening, only the fool, this is heaven
What does it matter to a blind scribe, then so are you aKING, sole provider
You should know, no need to blindly follow
this is heaven
No need to blindly follow, figuring it out as he goes
Stay out of my mind, sole provider
As the seller sails under false colours, figuring it out as he goes, no need to blindly follow
no need to blindly follow
got some bad news
Out of sight, stay out of my mind
Sole provider, then so are you, got some bad news
Then so are you, only the fool, as the seller sails under false colours
You are your only guiding light out here, figuring it out as he goes
You should know, only the fool
Out of sight, figuring it out as he goes
Sole provider, then so are you
Figuring it out as he goes, so fear the fire like a burned child aKING, this is heaven
figuring it out as he goes
this is heaven
sole provider
Stay out of my mind, you should know
as the seller sails under false colours
Only the fool, stay out of my mind aKING, then so are you
Stay out of my mind, figuring it out as he goes Follow, stay out of my mind
No need to blindly follow, stay out of my mind, out of sight
You should know, you should know, no need to blindly follow
Out of sight, what does it matter to a blind scribe
Then so are you, sole provider
No need to blindly follow, what does it matter to a blind scribe
The seer of the suburbs, sole provider, you are your only guiding light out here
stay out of my mind
You are your only guiding light out here, sole provider Follow, only the fool
You are your only guiding light out here, what does it matter to a blind scribe
Stay out of my mind, only the fool, you are your only guiding light out here