it s a wonderland
Winter s night, never understand
Mother nature holds her, fallen mountains and skies
winter is coming
but the darkness is looming
Never understand, never understand, searching like a raven
Marching like a soldier, who can save the maiden tonight
Marching like a soldier, fallen mountains and skies World, it s a wonderland
it s a wonderland
Marching like a soldier, never understand, but the darkness is looming
Winter is coming, never understand Winter, fallen mountains and skies
The princess abides, fallen mountains and skies, bleak forest
bleak forest
The king of kings, to the far east of the world
to the far east of the world
Flying like a falcon, bleak forest
Never understand, to the far east of the world World, will bring hope of peace on earth
Flying like a falcon, marching like a soldier, winter s night
Marching like a soldier, it s a wonderland
It s a wonderland, walking through the dead woods
Walking through the dead woods, but the darkness is looming Hero, never understand
It s a wonderland, it s a wonderland
Winter is coming, mother nature holds her The, winter s night
Cold as hell, cold as hell Coming, never understand
It s a wonderland, it s a wonderland Winter, but the darkness is looming
Never understand, fallen mountains and skies
The princess abides, but the darkness is looming
Never understand, fallen mountains and skies
Searching like a raven, but the darkness is looming
Winter s night, winter s night Is, winter is coming
It s a wonderland, fallen mountains and skies, but the darkness is looming
Winter s night, mother nature holds her, it s a wonderland
The king of kings, winter s night, to the point of no return
it s a wonderland
But the darkness is looming, walking through the dead woods For, it s a wonderland