In the shadow, why do you have to know, your toy is gone right now
Why do you have to know, oh you re gonna love me but tomorrow, do i look like a friend or a fake lover hun hun
Well i ll go to lima tomorrow, what do you have to know
You d better have a pet, when i go so far away you re always on my way
In the shadow, do i look like a friend or a fake lover hun hun Dimension, when i go so far away you re always on my way
In the shadow, oh i ll be in lima, is it because your puppet is gone hun hun
why do you have to know
oh you re gonna love me but tomorrow
In the shadow, in the shadow 4th, why do you look so sad my dear right now
your love is on but my feelings are gone
Well i know you want me to follow, well i ll go to lima tomorrow, why do you have to know
the way you draw for me but that s not how it works oh no
well i know you want me to follow
In the shadow, do i look like a friend or a fake lover hun hun, in the shadow
oh i ll be in lima
in the shadow
What do you have to know, oh i ll be in lima, in the shadow
your love is on but my feelings are gone
Oh you re gonna love me but tomorrow, is it because your puppet is gone hun hun
In the shadow, what do you have to know Lima, what do you have to know
Why do you have to know, do i look like a friend or a fake lover hun hun
Why do you look so sad my dear right now, oh i ll be in lima
Why do you look so sad my dear right now, oh i ll be in lima 4th, do i look like a friend or a fake lover hun hun
Oh i ll be in lima, where we can pray in silence
The way you draw for me but that s not how it works oh no, oh i ll be in lima
The way you draw for me but that s not how it works oh no, your toy is gone right now
Your love is on but my feelings are gone, when i go so far away you re always on my way, why do you have to know
Is it because your puppet is gone hun hun, your toy is gone right now 4th, oh i ll be in lima
The way you draw for me but that s not how it works oh no, your toy is gone right now Lima, is it because your puppet is gone hun hun
Oh i ll be in lima, the way you draw for me but that s not how it works oh no, your toy is gone right now
Well i know you want me to follow, oh you re gonna love me but tomorrow
Oh you re gonna love me but tomorrow, what do you have to know, what do you have to know
Why do you look so sad my dear right now, you d better have a pet
Do i look like a friend or a fake lover hun hun, in the shadow, oh i ll be in lima
Oh you re gonna love me but tomorrow, what do you have to know, in the shadow
In the shadow, oh you re gonna love me but tomorrow
What do you have to know, in the shadow, is it because your puppet is gone hun hun
You d better have a pet, well i know you want me to follow Lima, is it because your puppet is gone hun hun