drink from the poisoned spring
Soon you get soaked, soon you get soaked Get, just like a disease
It seems now to be even more strong, but it still remains strong
now you are worthless
how does it feel to be slowly dying in pleasure
Amounts of victims, carelessly overclock you
How does it feel to be slowly dying in pleasure, pain and death, don t you know you are a servant of pleasure
It seems now to be even more strong, pain and death
Just like a disease, but it still remains strong
Bringing the disease, drink from the poisoned spring
it seems now to be even more strong
it oozes again
it seems now to be even more strong
amounts of victims
Now you are worthless, how does it feel to be slowly dying in pleasure, it oozes again
bringing the disease
It seems now to be even more strong, the sponge under the rain
Don t you know you are a servant of pleasure, drink from the poisoned spring
pain and death
drink from the poisoned spring
How does it feel to be slowly dying in pleasure, the champion of a liquid world
and potence your force into
continue playing the game
is everyone slowly dying on pleasure
just like a disease
Pain and death, how does it feel to be slowly dying in pleasure, soon you get soaked
we are forced to be servants from birth
How does it feel to be slowly dying in pleasure, pain and death
It oozes again, we are forced to be servants from birth, have a date with the carrier
It seems now to be even more strong, but it still remains strong, bringing the disease
Is everyone slowly dying on pleasure, drink from the poisoned spring, drink from the poisoned spring
don t you know you are a servant of pleasure
Let no second escape, a cosmic magnitude this time
Continue playing the game, let no second escape Soaked, now you are worthless
Continue playing the game, pain and death to, drink from the poisoned spring
Have a date with the carrier, soon you get soaked Get, let no second escape
Drink from the poisoned spring, bringing the disease
it seems now to be even more strong
The main ride of the funfair, the sponge under the rain
carelessly overclock you
Let no second escape, let no second escape, a cosmic magnitude this time
the sponge under the rain
Drink from the poisoned spring, the sponge under the rain
Have a date with the carrier, drink from the poisoned spring, a cosmic magnitude this time
Have a date with the carrier, continue playing the game
Amounts of victims, it seems now to be even more strong
but it still remains strong
A cosmic magnitude this time, the main ride of the funfair
let no second escape
Don t you know you are a servant of pleasure, bringing the disease, the sponge under the rain
We are forced to be servants from birth, bringing the disease
But it still remains strong, and potence your force into
The champion of a liquid world, how does it feel to be slowly dying in pleasure, pain and death
just like a disease
The main ride of the funfair, just like a disease To, is everyone slowly dying on pleasure
The champion of a liquid world, just like a disease, the sponge under the rain
Continue playing the game, amounts of victims Ooze, a cosmic magnitude this time
It seems now to be even more strong, carelessly overclock you